If you have stumbled across mollysmelts, then I know that you, like me, love to surround yourself with the sweetest most succulent fragrances.
I like to think that it might just be what heaven smells like. I hope so and you will know why when I tell you my story.
Firstly I would like to introduce my self. I’m Joyce, a stay at home mum, I have 3 beautiful children and a husband that I moved half way around the country to be with leaving all of my family and friends behind at home, 16 years down the line and this is where my story starts.
When this horrible Covid19 virus took over our world, the devastation it has compacted on our lives, we could never possibly get over fully. To me, it has completely and utterly destroyed my world. My best friend,the lady that watched me grow up, who helped me grow up, Encouraged me to do right from wrong. The one who I called 6 times a day for no reason at all, Maybe just to say I’m making the family’s lunches for the next day.. I called her when I was sad,happy or needed to talk to someone, When my kids did something at school or just general life She would be the first person I called to talk to…
April, a month my whole life came to a stand still while everything was crashing down around me.I screamed, I cried, I couldn’t breath.My heart was literally ripped out of my chest. Covid had taken her,  my Nan.
I wasn’t there to support her when she needed me the most, like she had done for me for her whole life. Sadly I couldn’t repay the favour, I couldn’t do anything, I was helpless… Not thinking straight for months i muddled along trying to figure out What to do without her, my best friend, my little nan… The heart breaking thing is that we couldn’t celebrate her or her life. The sweetest little lady couldn’t have the send off she deserved. Family and friends didn’t get the chance to say goodbye. I couldn’t even kiss her coffin goodbye..
Months passed and I tried to fill my days with anything that took my attention away from missing her.
Then one day I came across wax melts..
Later I would learn that it’s a new found love of mine…. I just wanted to fill my time. I focused all my attention on learning how to prepare and make them,not knowing how much it would take over my life. I started a Facebook page and named it after her,making and selling all the wax melts I made while I was heart broken and still am.
So you see,all of my heart really does go into every little wax melt I make. Knowing It’s because of her that I get to do this…my very own beautiful angel that’s now in heaven smiling down on me…
Thank you to every single one of you that has brought from me, shared my little group or just helped me on my way.. I appreciate every one of you ❤️